A Review on Multi-Agent Technology in Micro-Grid Control
Micro-Grid (MG) integrates renewable generation, storage devices and controllable generations, it provides efficent utilization of clean energy while keeping stable external characteristics. Capability of continuous power supply, high scalability and flexible operation modes can satifiy the current demand of joint operation of renewable generation and Macro-Grid, and will provide a solid foundation for smart grid technology in the future. Thus, MG is an excellent integration of renewable energy utilization with a bright future, Multi-Agent System (MAS) is a new hierarchical control platform and can completely cover all the devices within a MG, its flexible control modes meet the needs of various operations of MG, and the capability of distributed computing supports intelligent functions of MG in the future. Therefore, developing premium functions for MAS in MG control will promote the development of both MG and Smart Grid technologies. This paper reviews the current applications of MAS technology for MG both in basic and advanced control demands. For basic demands concerning safe operations for MG, functions of MAS are available, but a further improvement of performance is essential for future researches to increase penetration of MAS in MG control; For advanced demands, MAS should increase calculation speed to meet the complex need of MG. In the last part, the future focuses are also depicted.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/esta.v5i1.69
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