Understanding the mHealth implementation and adoption impact: a FVM perspective
Successful adoption and implementation of Mobile Health applications (mHealth) has been the subject of extensive research as can be evidenced by the large body of research literature on this topic. However, the fit and viability perspective issues have been less widely studied, perhaps because of the difficulty and complexity of healthcare services and delivery factors and their studies. In today’s global business environment this remains a key issue and critical success factor. Hence, this paper explains how challenging the mHealth application implementation success is for organizations government and patients. Furthermore, it is also very important to assess a fit and viability of mHealth application implementations in diverse environment. By drawing upon multiple streams of theory building, a framework, from the Fit-Viability Model (FVM) perspective, is developed. The framework provides important and valuable guiding principles for the decisions on adoption and deployment of mHealth applications. Grounded on the fit-viability framework, the paper advocates the use of a multi-case study approach to examine the success or failure of mHealth applications adoption and implementation. Managers and researchers can use the developed framework to identify the fit and viability of mHealth applications implementations to increase the possibility of success.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/esta.v5i3.65
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