Design and implementation of comprehensive sign monitor based on Internet +

Xu Guo, Tianqi Wu


Along with our country has accelerated into the aging society, the majority of the elderly medical and health problems, the
shortage of medical resources, diffi cult to see a doctor, long cycle and other problems become increasingly prominent. In order to provide
the elderly with better and more convenient health status monitoring, this paper proposes a comprehensive sign monitor based on Internet
+. In this paper, the overall design framework of the comprehensive signs monitor is studied, STM32 processor is used as the CPU, and the
physiological signifi cance and measurement methods of each physical sign parameter (blood oxygen, blood pressure, body temperature, etc.)
are introduced. It allows doctors to obtain patients’ health data remotely, analyze patients’ health status, and achieve timely prevention and
diagnosis and treatment, which provides great convenience for doctors and patients.


blood oxygen; Blood pressure; Wireless transmission; Internet +

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