A study of methods to stimulate students’ problem awareness during university physics lectures

Yiqi Xia, Xiao Wang


In the context of the active promotion of quality education, the analysis of the current process of cultivating the
comprehensive ability of science and technology college students from the teachers’ perspective often reveals many problems. Many
students have half-understood knowledge, which is ultimately caused by the lack of problem awareness and independent thinking. If we
want to develop students’ physical thinking and improve their overall quality, we need to adjust our teaching methods. This paper carefully
analyzes the possible problems of teachers and students in university physics teaching and their causes, and gives scientifi c and reasonable
improvement measures, in order to promote the comprehensive development of college students.


university physics teaching; problem awareness; atmosphere creation; context setting; incentives

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.18686/esta.v10i2.382


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