Application of artificial intelligence in mechanical design, manufacturing and automation

Rui Chen


in the context of today’s information age, the development of science and technology has achieved new breakthroughs, and
artifi cial intelligence is the latest product of modern science and technology, which can be applied at all levels of the social fi eld, so as to
promote the progress and development of society. Especially in the fi eld of industrial manufacturing, the application of artifi cial intelligence
has become more extensive, and has played a very good effect. For example, in the field of mechanical design, manufacturing and
automation, many enterprises have started to carry out manufacturing and production through artifi cial intelligence, making the workshop
work more effi cient. The research on the application of artifi cial intelligence in mechanical design, manufacturing and automation can help
to fi nd a better application mode of artifi cial intelligence, so as to further play the eff ectiveness of artifi cial intelligence and promote the
eff ective development of China’s social economy.


artifi cial intelligen ce; Mechanical design and automation; Science and technology

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Included Database


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