Analysis of Fungal System Decomposition Ability under Ka-Volterra Model

Caixin Chen


Differential equations are used to describe the decomposition ability of fungi and systems with multiple species under the influence of various factors. These factors include characteristics of the fungus itself, such as mycelium elongation, water tolerance, interactions between fungal populations, and the effects of the external environment. With reference to the classical population model and the Karvolterra differential equation model, the research made a further extension on these two models to describe the change of the population size along with the time and the decomposition ability of different species of fungi by adding a series of influencing factors to the equation. The effect of the interaction between various fungi on the decomposition rate was considered. Finally, we describe the trend of the overall decomposing ability of the system under the external environment. In summary, our model starts from initial models that describe populations of different species and the wood decomposition capacity of fungi under the influence of various factors, and simulates the wood decomposition capacity of a realistic polyfungal system on a given land.


Differencial Equations; Lotka-Volterra Model; Dynamic Behavior; Biodiver- sity; Clustering; Linear Regression

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